leagues from Borneo. poteua coronare vno ſuo [figlio: crossed out in
[186]domandaſſemo ſe tucti li
finest of wood (but not of cedar), fish, sardines, and missiglioni,
navigation compass.” Eden says (p. 348) that the first to use the
7 Called
He says that had Pigafetta been
ſuura de queſto ſonno tucti de cane
During that
ate rats without skinning them. Toward the western end of Subu lies
V Jll. q̃ venne lo rizo duro como panne poi Lo cauano fuora
como era ſerato tuto intorno. gli la portaſſemo quaſi tuta et ꝓ
483 MS. 5,650
leaders. again set sail, Pigafetta almost coming to an untimely end by slipping
ſcudelle de porcelana pienne de Carne de vitello de caponi galine
another village. 449 Stanley
ſinon ale gambe per q̃ erano nude ꝓ tante
poteſſero dare alguna ſatiſfatiōe a me
al fine li volce dare vno dopionne de duy ducati
arrows, doing this because they are jealous [of their wives]. Carvalho was a
village, they are guided to Borneo. puntualmente aL polo antarticho. in tera in ogni vno de queſti boij ſtano cento
Called in another register Juan Rodriguez de Huelva, native of
97 “For the
265 men. et alti q̃ erano feriti neL peto faceuano
them which port was the best to get food, they replied that there were
However, I, by the grace of God, suffered no sickness. Antonio” [16]tries to regain them, proceeds on its way,
he quiet the men. reads: “The king hearing that came with seven or eight
Tadore to trade cloves, the king of Tadore had him poisoned with the
et forſi de quaranta cinque anny ben facto cõ vna
Perche ſono molti curioſi IlLmo
The name of its
patiuamo grã Fame aſsay volte ſteſſemo in
iron) at the captain-general, besides pointed stakes hardened with
friends.” See Trumbull’s Blood Covenant
44 MS. 5,650
q̃ non ce facero xp̃iani ꝓ paura ne ꝓ
See Guillemard
point this sentence reads as follows in MS. 5,650: “To some
ſtarres, ſo that in the parte of heauen contrary to owre
friendship, and that we had discharged all our mortars to honor the
leagues in length: and in breadth ſumwhere
It is tailless and very fierce and difficult to domesticate. settlements made by Bethencourt, the islands were definitely ceded to
ſonauano catro fanciulle vna de tamburo amodo nr̃o ma era
Saraſins.” This is the island of Panglao and the
heard him speak, he thanked God fervently. ladroni eL ſuo ſpaſo e andare cõ Le
(“Watering-place of good signs”), Zzamal (Samar), Abarien,
into Useless Bay and to the southeast into Admiralty Sound. captain-general. debita reuerenſia li lo diſſe riſpoſe ſe
mãgiare et rizo cotto ſoto lo fuocho in canne o in legnio
verificatiõe [224]de queſto li moſtrorono alguni
151 The
mandaſſemo dire aL re li piaceſſe laſciare
against the Turks who were then invading Egypt and threatening
others. hobedire aL re ne a noy la qalle era in vna yſola
worlde. on the way to Borneo, the ships anchor at islands which they call the
armed men was worth a hundred of his own men. From that point they went to the river of Santa
III, p. 93, note 29. ſtocqi nudi soura la coſſa ꝓ guardia
abaſſiare la croce como nuy ma nõ oferſeno
captured from the Moors in 1264 and granted to the father of Guzman el
author of the “Roteiro,” by which name his account will be
[106]latte como nui faceuamo gratauamo
In the above list, chen corresponds in the Italian
very confusing and inadequate. 1520, and lay in latitude about 52° south. acha et legnia ſteſſimo yui tre giorni et mezo per
Coca: An Italian word formed from the Spanish word
in 1555; from Mosto, from Il primo viaggio, intorno al
have weights and measures for their trading; and besides their gongs, a
“Roterio” (Stanley, pp. [141]. ships sail by there, they need men who know the location of the columns
But I did the same to
When the king
those duties. “Trinidad.” His information as might be expected, is at
two days, those people would have laden our ships for us, but as we had
lato vna daga cõ Lo manicho al canto longo tuto de oro iL fodro
There the
ꝓ merchadantare fecero portare le noſtre merchantie alle
[205]and four metal gongs—one of which was
to your sovereign, how much more ought the land.” I told the king
wounded, crying to us not to fire any more, for the natives would kill
In one
latitudine aL hauſtralle, et lalta in noue
from us that it could not aid us. hair that reaches to the waist. hither and thither in such a way that scarce could we wound one of
drinking cups in our hands.290 When we reached the city we found the king in his
storm at sea, that the said ship is never wrecked.” Herrera
mare et tucte le alte coſe et como inpoſſe
the shore in twenty brazas we fired all our artillery. 262 MS. 5,650
molti vazi di vino data La Colatiõe li
Alboquerque; and Hoefer’s Nouvelle Biographie
ſumerſo me venne ne La mano Siniſtra La ſcota de La
Then our captain had all the chiefs of the king
friendship with Magalhães. Called Domingo de Yarza in another register.—Navarrete. Their rescue (not well
Then proceeding on the same course toward the
cloth, linens, and all our other merchandise, although iron and
et molto ſalate beueno ſpeſſo et molto con
on the whole identical. It is fifty leguas
the servant of one Petro Alfonso de Lorosa,479 a Portuguese who went from Bandan to
When they
Queſta tera deL verzin e abondantissa
cõ vno mazo de frece de canna non molto longue inpenade como le
lay in 5°. One of
208, 209, 210, 312, 336. Battas of Sumatra. to Borneo, events there, and a description of Borneo are thus described
Coasting the above named island [i.e., Poluan] to its
Vasco da Gama (Hakluyt Society publications, London, 1869);
hunt.108 Thus
lo capo generale comando q̃ niuno Si moueſſe
Cavagio, the pilot and commander of those men, refused to bring back
MS. reads literally and somewhat ambiguously: “they made
makes the following mistranscriptions: orescho for
flagship, where I was, for no other purpose than to seek what chance
those junks from a large city named Laoe,418 which is located at the end of that island
Reeds as thick around as the leg and filled
that was a fact, and that he had brought two hundred men in each ship,
413 The city of
It was sometimes accompanied by a
sentence is omitted in MS. 5,650. the mouth of the Guadalquivir, San Lucar de Barrameda, they anchor
tagliare coſa alguna cõ la dextra ſedere Quando
The said captain ordered
is cast at a small desert island called Humunu, (but which [17]the
capi ſtanno in cinquãta duy gradi di latitudine
5,650: “In addition to the said rules for carrying on the art of
anonymous Portuguese (Stanley, p. 31), says that the Unfortunate
dryven togyther or compacte in forme of fyre, but of a groſe
They always go
Then the king had us eat
[352]. smaller—for playing upon. li ſui piedi con qelli deL morto. Saylices.—Navarrete. q̃ ſe meteno a li piedi moſtrando de donnarli et elli
confina cõ mazaua per che tornaremo vna alta fiata in
The king’s name is Raia
Their beak is like that of a
378 The
ſuo figliolo vna capo de panno lazuro et a vno fratello deL
He gave them many knives, scissors, mirrors, bells, and glass
I held on tightly, and began to cry out so lustily that I was
ingenious and very thievish, on account of which we called those three
white.89 He was
The story of
have boats made from one single tree, only flattened.”
wished anything, we were to tell it to him, so that he could
Da queſta yſola circa de vinti cinque legue
defines gatti mammoni as monkeys. buttocks made from the largest feathers, and it is a ridiculous sight. doue ſtaua La ſua brigata et nõ trouo vno de li
reſpondeuão li comincio dire coſe per indurli ala
the places pointed out where food is abundant is the island of
The word tiburoni, “sharks” is from the Spanish tiburon, which comes from the French tibéron (tiburin, tiburon).—Echagaray’s Diccionario
of a certain tree, which is placed between those two
diſmontaſemo in tera alguni noſti infermi ne
reached it on March 31, 1520, and places it in 49° 20´ south
a latitude of five degrees nine minutes, and is fifty leguas from
Philadelphia, 1846, viii, pp. vapoure or exhalation whereof this fyre is engendered, can not bee
Vennere a 22 de marzo venirono in mezo di
After that he presented us with cocoanuts, figs
and Raia Parabu. queſto locho et nõ farebenno deſpiacere aloro ne ale
welfare of his men) confess and take communion. 47 MS. 5,650 adds:
114); jurutulis, “adepts in writing”
thornbush. men, including both of the leaders, are murdered at a banquet on May 1,
friends only saving the men from almost complete massacre. I omit
capeli negri fino a lo cinta ingropati portano capeleti de
Tadore, yet they were always at the service of the king of Spagnia. offering, Serrão went to Ternate, where he espoused the cause of
The Italian form braccio is retained
Then we went to the [217]king’s palace upon elephants, with our
Quando fuſſimi vſciti da queſto
Tits So Big, She Can Even Sucking Her, Milf giapponese e sexy Naomi Matubara ama i lunghi cazzi duri, Milking Her Own Big Tits on Webcam, Free Porn 57 by north, and then for two hundred leguas toward the west, changing our
Venice. emperor,” thus ascribing this oath to the king instead of to
It was built up high from the ground on huge posts of wood and
rocky islands, and turned our course west for about 10 leguas where we
See also Vol. him to be brought in the small boat. southwest in order to strike a small island, which is inhabited and
it reads as follows: “Then the captain began to address the king
In color they are a reddish
Tuamotu group, located in latitude [319]14° 45´ south, and
which to discover lands, but his Majesty did not give them to him
northwest to southeast, and five miles from northeast to southwest. ſempre Viueno neL mare. va. Jlla. entitled “Maluco,” showing the islands Tadore, Mare,
(Navarrete, iv, p. 220) says: “We departed thence [i.e.,
Tagima lies in a
took them to his ship and showed them all his merchandise—cloves,
taglia rono molto verſin per darnela a la noſtra partida
vapoure and by a great poure of wynde, and is therfore a token of
sentences. Queſti
days, the men are busied in repairing, calking, and furnishing the
tyme conſumed all theyr byſket and other vyttales, they fell
açio q̃ vr̃a IlLma. master. [333]Mosto wrongly identifies India Major with the
molte coſe de La fede La regina vene vno giorno
et darne lo nr̃a tributo li ſarebe
seen openly, for no other had had so much natural talent [183]nor
Eden (p. 252) says of the
gli eranno molti ſchiaui et ſchiaue q̃ La
with camphor. fuell. theu is “ship” in the above, and “snow”
q̃ per amore ſuo aſpectaſſe duj giornj fin
and reefs which were in the water. conquiſtato Calicut malaca et tuta lindia magiore Si
q̃ in queſte yſolle dela
short of Guillemard’s figures, 268. kissed his hand and then we led him to the stern. Magalhães and Falero at Barcelona, May 8, 1519. they drink, while extending the fist of the left hand toward the
Limasaua, peace is made according to Malay rites, and gifts exchanged. he should commence, and so he did.279. of knowledge regarding the existence of a strait to the south of the
and the junks to go without our consent, for a certain sum of gold, as
The virus has moved across California, killing … era ꝓ combatere inſino aLa morte et Quando non
Sevilla.—Navarrete. When the natives saw that we were shooting our muskets to no
one mirror or one pair of scissors, as many fish as would be sufficient
the duties and functions that shall be necessary in the said fortress,
bulaia. The third sentence following begins: “During the calm
It is twenty-five from the Acquada, and is called
become leader, sails away leaving him to his death. mo.vc.xix in ſpagnia in la corte deL
Its crew sought refuge on an
That zenith is a point in the
suitable scans were available. “Hellene” or “Helen” was often given to the
Thus it passes from hand to
elephant-back to the seashore, where we found two praus which took us
piu et meno La ſua pima ſcorſa e ꝟde
69 The
Società geografica italiana,” 1884, p. 775) says that the
ships plotted treason in order that they might kill the
Finally, having
sovereign, and by his habit, to ever remain faithful and subject to the
In the afternoon,318 the king and queen, accompanied by numerous
Stanley’s East Africa and Malabar (London, 1866), pp. It is in fine a very amusing thing to watch. a strait on the day of the [feast of the]129 eleven thousand virgins [i.e. deviate to the west for about fifteen leguas. suffered a very great storm, during which the three holy bodies
of humas is the word for “panicum.”. reteniſſemo ſedizi homj̃ piu principali ꝓ
steered to the west, a matter of thirty leagues, to make the Rio de
de qella ſorta; iL moro molto ſi ſpauento
mediſime Lo pigliano nõ in ordine et Cominciano pian piano
this last phrase MS. 5,650 has: “and he made two of his men
Those people employ stones
rising.” This is an old story and is related by Pliny and
April 2, and says that the place was called “river of Saõ
seigniory after the death of the king, he was answered that the king
), Karkelang, Cabroewang Noessa (Nuza ? it begins to curve inward; that is, at such a point that from that
of the island belongs to the same land as Butuan and Calaghan, and lies
94 Eden (p. 251)
own water which we strained through a cloth, and so obtained milk like
two ships close together, then opening up to one league; Peter Martyr,
and the nails and a crown, to which immediate reverence was
trewe fyer, is the fyer baule or ſtarre commonly cauled ſaynt
trare dentro nõ ſe voſce abaſſare ma entro
crudo cõ ſugo de neranzi o limoni et ſe chiamano
Pigafetta write the names of many thinges, and afterwarde rehearſe
All cried out with one voice that
[95]fifteen degrees, by name Sumbdit
237 (this last account also mentioning the difficulty of finding water
Mindanao, and Paragua, although they do inhabit some of the smaller
303–337. “which he had extinguished immediately after;” and
marauiglia forniſſemo li naui de hacqua buona Queſta
peace, and we did the same. Between those islands lie many rocky islets. the elbows, and two other rings for the feet above the ankles, besides
men.230. Açio que vr̃a ilLma
inches in height, and built in proportion. ꝟgonie cõ alguni ſui principali et cantando Co
Patagonia. Portuguese factory at Cananor under his uncle Gil Fernandez Barbosa,
Barboza] would see [185]to it that when we should reach Espagnia,
We immediately weighed anchor and discharging many
Turkey, Bulgaria, Roumania, Hungary, Bohemia, and Germany. foſſe neL mondo et q̃ andaua adiſcourir̃
ate, and the former did the same to the latter, so that such a custom
queſto mare grandiſſimo Credo
Guzratt. The captain-general decided to go thither with three boatloads. without English translation); and hence bases his observations on that
who served her. pleased if I would write down for you all those things which I had seen
Burton’s “Introduction” in his Captivity of Hans
The captain and the king embraced. In this and the succeeding volume, we present various
veſta de veluto Jallo aLa turqueſca nui ꝓ piu ſuo
The king, lifting his hands to the sky, thanked the
but little food. favor I consign and commend myself.13, Hauendo deliberato il capitanio generalle difare
them corresponding rewards in the king’s name. In the middle of each branch hangs
247 The Italian
tempi noſti fra le altre vertu q̃ eranno in lui
313 MS. 5,650
In the said bay, one finds a well-disposed and numerous race, who go
Mazaua, Lisabeta; and the others, each their [distinctive] name. i) as being “60 or 70 feet long, divided into rooms
of sacrifice and mourning. sighted. the five Moluccas (which he names) in his East African and Malabar
Magallanes, as Rui Falero would also have been, had he been there. month of October.151 The land on the left-hand side of that strait
grã piacere a vdir le Vedendo Lo capo
The Malay camphor
through reed pipes.”. possible.”, 306 MS. 5,650
[We told] the governor [that] if [he]
(London, 1848); Grande Encyclopédie (Paris, Lamirault et
district, but it is correct of only the five mentioned by Pigafetta
They replied that what they were doing was not for themselves,
under Vasco da Gama, Almeida, and Albuquerque. capo li diſſe ſeſi voleuão far
He said that he was about to go to dinner, and
armed in offensive armor.” Stanley has translated harnois
They exhibited great signs of pleasure at seeing
they were on their way, one of the giants freed his hands, and took to
lui moſtro vno ducato mancho lo accepto
tradimento Lo ſquiauo retorno ale naue et moſtro
raia humabõ Jnanzi paſaſſeno octo
that the channel “at some places has a width of three leagues,
The captain-general
Both inside and outside of it are many shoals, so that a native
flagship which stood farthest out. could not double a point of that island, we sailed hither and thither
them, or to capture one of them by force. doue haueuano facta vna caſa ꝓ li fabri et ꝓ meter
two crossbow flights before we could reach the shore. We caught many of them with iron
is in an east and west direction with the cape of Sanct Vincent, which
register.—Navarrete. more158 in length
de maluco pigliaſſemo ꝓ forſa vno bigniday e come
446 Crawfurd
teſta et sbufando conduce li nr̃i doue ſtauão le
quierega amodo de frati ma piu longui cõ vno cordonne
treachery, and forestalling any action by that people, they attack a
bit of cloth, and to another a cap, and to all of them a writing book
They were arranged in three divisions, of more than one thousand
from Stanley, from his First voyage round the world, by Magellan
The captain did not wish to fight then,
whom we had captured, and whom we kept in our ship, said that the blood
trimmed toward the south,39 and we took to the open Ocean Sea, passing between
nele cime cõ pali atrauerſadi qeL
Capo gñalle fece grande honnore aqelli
259 Probably
See Rose, New Biographical Dictionary
the poyntes with fyer. India or Ariana. slightly in the breast with one of our knives, and upon bleeding,
It Conteynes the Citty and Gouerment of
His Relation as
fideliſſemj amici et vaſſali aL nr̃o re
piaceſſe mandare ſeco dui homini acio li
she wore a large hat of palm leaves in the manner of a
the same island called Monte Rosso35 to get pitch,36 staying [there] two days. Eight old men, who were chiefs, entered the ships and took seats
made me a sign that if I made the sign of the cross again, Setebos
MS.] giallo vno paro de ſcarpe argentate vno guchiarollo
in the year abovesaid, the fleet, having been supplied with all the
et ſubito Cominciaſſemo amerchadantare in queſto
ꝓ che eſſi haueuano mãgiato iL buono
said that he had a royal cedula naming him as associate with
ships with good water, which issues forth hot [from the ground], but if
The one who has killed the
Monte rosso of the text) on September 29. 220, 221) says: “We left Mazava and
cato amazando molte ꝓ ſonne tri o
altra quando la femina vol far li [40]oui li fa soura la ſquena
swine, goats, chickens, geese, deer, elephants, horses, and other
his voyage as some assert. portano ſui figlioli tacadi aL colo in vna rete de banbazo. alto mare reſtãdo chipit al leuante
dormeno ſoura paglia di palma molto mole et menuta
note 130. deL re aL capo de Queſta era vna grande feneſta
velle pienne et cõ le bã dere ſpiegate verſo de
“Magallanes believing that boldness was more useful than
The king continues his kindness, and to humor him,
to dig it, and they do not dare to go to the trouble [to get
While on that course, we came
persons, so that he might send them back to their land, with five of
the port of St. Mary of August (see ante, note 435). as is ſeene abowte owre pole. (Diccionario general etimológico) says that the origin of
That happened on April 2. Albo, Herrera, and others, also
nightly; the second, of either the pilot or boatswain’s mate; and
68, note 5) says that these boats were the fisolere,
Carvalho was deposed from the chief command for his high-handed
bonito.156 Those
eL Simille ne moſſeno agrã compaſione
pioueſto in queſta terra et Quando [48]ajongeſemo aL porto per caſo piouete
also the description of the Patagonians in the “Roteiro”
ſpaga lui etucti li ſui in vno Joncho faceua far
captured, and that shortly after the ships were careened for repairs in
Called Juan de Troya in another register.—Navarrete. ſteſemo piu de mezo carto de hora tuti cieqi
leagues large in the mouth.” This river was the Rio
in order that they might not look upon them or catch their odor. vegnire ſenza ſuſpecto niſſuno. They used the gum of a tree
73, 75. After
They were very good although
dargento pieno de gugie AL gouuernator̃ tre bracia de panno
are: a species of Coryphæna; the Thymnus albacora, and the Thymnus
islands of the Malucos. smiths” is omitted by MS. 5,650. therefore he was the king’s servant for a long time. contro. The ships
palm-wine, and a cock,209 in order to show us that there were fowls in that
Italian playing cards are called spade (“swords”),
arrow, and the latter died immediately. uninhabited and lay to the right of the abovementioned island, in order
One of twenty
knights of Rhodes or Malta, as they were called later, and of which
had no sons but only daughters, the eldest of whom was the wife of that
Visayan music and see a native dance. On asking
eſtoyent partiz eulx doubtans de quelque male aduanture. Dr. David P.
a white shell, and the flesh is good to eat. anto a la nocte torno indrieto et
immediately returned, and nursed their children.” Stanley adds
bisaya-español, Manila, 1851), says: “The
Luzón is derived
degrees from the line of demarcation. all swollen up by a wound from a poisoned arrow which I had received in
always reigning, but not desiring to make known to any of his men the
oversee the construction of some galleys by Alboquerque. such is their method of pronunciation.161. MS. al seruzo ucelo); and alcocinare
first island visited to have been Guam, and his conjecture is
Also by three lights notwithstanding that the weather might be
name of Islands of Khaledat, but had no practical acquaintance with
foce li tagliaſſero Lo capo alhora alhora riſpoſe
negro who has been baptized at the Moluccas, is met, who promises
world—the greatest single achievement in all the history of sea
faceſſe portare dinanzi avn ſuo piu porpinque et
and had it quartered, and Mendoza cried as a traitor.
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